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A Brief History of Witches in Cannabis

A Brief History of Witches in Cannabis

Posted by Fluffy Desoto on Mar 9th 2023

Cannabis and Witches?

The use of cannabis in spiritual and medicinal practices has a long history, dating back thousands of years. One group of people who have been associated with the use of cannabis in their rituals and practices are witches. In this post, we'll explore the historical relationship between witches and cannabis and how it has been portrayed in popular culture.

Cannabis in Ancient Witchcraft

The use of cannabis in ancient witchcraft practices can be traced back to the early days of human civilization. The ancient Egyptians, for example, used cannabis in their religious ceremonies and believed it had the power to induce visions and communicate with the gods. The Greeks also used cannabis in their religious rituals, and it was associated with the goddess Aphrodite.

One of the earliest mentions of cannabis in witchcraft comes from the 15th century, when a group of witches in Germany were accused of using a concoction of herbs that included cannabis to induce altered states of consciousness. This practice was known as "flying ointment," and it was said to give witches the ability to fly through the air and communicate with spirits.

A Spiritual and Medicinal Ally

In ancient witchcraft practices, cannabis was often used in combination with other plants and herbs in magical potions and spells. These potions were believed to have the power to heal, protect, and even control people's minds. The use of cannabis was seen as a way to alter one's consciousness and connect with the spiritual world.

Medicinal Healing

Cannabis was also often used for its medicinal properties in ancient witchcraft. It was believed to have powerful healing properties and was used to treat a variety of ailments, including pain, inflammation, and anxiety.

One of the most well-known medicinal uses of cannabis in witchcraft was for pain relief. Cannabis was often used to ease the pain of childbirth and other painful conditions. It was also used as a natural remedy for menstrual cramps and other female health issues.

Cannabis was also used as an anti-inflammatory agent in ancient witchcraft. It was believed to be effective in treating a variety of inflammatory conditions, including arthritis and other joint pain.

Spiritual Healing

The Spiritual Significance of Cannabis in Witchcraft In ancient witchcraft, cannabis was seen as a powerful tool for spiritual exploration and connection with the natural world. It was believed to have the ability to enhance one's intuition and psychic abilities, and was often used in divination practices.

Cannabis was also associated with the goddess and the feminine principle in ancient witchcraft. It was seen as a symbol of fertility and creativity, and was often used in rituals and ceremonies to honor the goddess.

The Witch Hunts and Cannabis Prohibition

Despite the historical use of cannabis in witchcraft, the association between witches and cannabis took a dark turn during the witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries. During this time, thousands of people, mostly women, were accused of witchcraft and put on trial. Many of these accusations were based on superstition and fear, and the use of cannabis in their rituals was seen as evidence of their guilt.

The Witch Hunts and the Demonization of Cannabis

During the witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries, cannabis was often associated with witchcraft and devil worship.

As the witch hunts came to an end, the use of cannabis in Europe became more regulated, and eventually, it was outlawed altogether. This association between cannabis and witchcraft persisted long after the witch hunts had ended. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, sensationalist newspapers and anti-drug campaigners continued to spread stories about the dangers of cannabis, often linking it to witchcraft and other supernatural practices.

The Rise of Cannabis Prohibition

In the United States, the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 effectively criminalized the use and possession of cannabis, and other countries soon followed suit.

This prohibition was driven by a mix of moral and economic concerns, as well as fears about the impact of cannabis on public health and safety. These fears were often fueled by sensationalist media reports and political campaigns that relied on misinformation and exaggeration.

The Legacy of Cannabis Prohibition

The impact of cannabis prohibition has been significant and far-reaching. It has led to the criminalization and stigmatization of cannabis users, as well as the growth of a massive and often violent black market for the drug.

Cannabis prohibition has also had a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, including people of color and low-income individuals. The enforcement of drug laws has often been racially biased, leading to higher rates of arrest and incarceration for communities of color.

The Revival of Witchcraft and Cannabis

How Ancient Practices are Inspiring a New Generation of Cannabis Users

Cannabis has a long and storied history, dating back thousands of years to ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Along with this rich history comes a legacy of spiritual and cultural practices that have often been suppressed or forgotten in the modern era. Today, however, we're seeing a revival of interest in these ancient practices, as more and more people turn to cannabis as a tool for self-discovery, healing, and connection.

In the 20th century, there was a revival of interest in witchcraft and other forms of spirituality that had been suppressed during the witch hunts. This revival was partly fueled by the counterculture movement of the 1960s and the growing interest in alternative forms of medicine and spirituality.

A Return to Ritual

The revival of witchcraft and cannabis has been fueled by a growing interest in holistic and alternative forms of healing, as well as a renewed interest in spirituality and personal growth. Many people are turning to cannabis as a tool for meditation, self-reflection, and spiritual exploration, using the plant to deepen their connection to themselves and to the world around them.

Along with this revival of cannabis use has come a renewed interest in witchcraft and other forms of folk magic. Many people are exploring the use of cannabis in traditional witchcraft practices, such as divination, spellwork, and ritual. Others are using cannabis to connect with the natural world and to explore their own inner landscape, using the plant as a tool for personal transformation and growth.

The Future of Cannabis and Witchcraft

The revival of witchcraft and cannabis is still in its early stages, but it holds enormous potential for personal and cultural transformation. By exploring the spiritual and cultural roots of cannabis use, we can begin to reconnect with the ancient wisdom and traditions that have been passed down through generations.

As we continue to explore the relationship between cannabis and witchcraft, it's important to do so with respect and reverence for the cultures and traditions from which these practices originated. By acknowledging the historical and cultural context of these practices, we can begin to build a more respectful and sustainable relationship with the plant and with the world around us.

My Favorite Cannabis Ritual

This ritual involves preparing a cannabis-infused oil or tea and using it to facilitate a deep meditative state. The ritual may involve lighting candles, burning incense, and setting intentions for the meditation.

Ritual Steps:

To perform the ritual, start by brewing a cannabis-infused tea or oil using your preferred method. Set aside a comfortable and quiet space where you won't be disturbed during the meditation. Light candles and burn incense to create a relaxing atmosphere.

1. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Hold your intention for the meditation in your mind, focusing on what you hope to achieve through this practice. Sip on the cannabis-infused tea or consume the cannabis-infused oil, allowing it to settle into your system.

2. Once you begin to feel the effects of the cannabis, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into a meditative state, allowing any thoughts or emotions to pass by without judgment. If you feel called, you can also use this time to visualize your intention coming to fruition.

3. When you're ready to end the meditation, take a few deep breaths and slowly come back to your body. Take a moment to reflect on your experience and give thanks for the gifts of the plant and the wisdom it can offer.

Incorporating Tarot into your Meditative Cannabis Ritual

I often like doing tarot at the end of my meditation and journaling about any insights I'm able to gain through my practice. You can also do tarot before your ritual and spend the meditation period reflecting on your reading.

My favorite tarot is the Tarot de Marseille even though the Rider-Waite deck is a lot more popular these days. 

The Tarot de Marseille and the Rider-Waite deck are two of the most well-known and widely used Tarot decks. While they share some similarities, there are also significant differences between them.

The Tarot de Marseille is an older deck, with roots that can be traced back to the 15th century. It features 78 cards divided into two categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, and the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits: Cups, Swords, Wands, and Coins.

The Rider-Waite deck, on the other hand, was created in the early 20th century by occultist Arthur Edward Waite and artist Pamela Colman Smith. Like the Tarot de Marseille, it also features 78 cards divided into two categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. However, the artwork and symbolism of the Rider-Waite deck differ significantly from those of the Tarot de Marseille.

One of the most notable differences between the two decks is the artwork. The Rider-Waite deck features detailed illustrations on all the cards, while the Tarot de Marseille has simpler, more stylized designs. Additionally, the symbolism of the two decks differs in some key ways. For example, the Rider-Waite deck includes some new cards, such as The Empress, The Hierophant, and The Tower, that are not found in the Tarot de Marseille.

Finally, the Rider-Waite deck includes detailed imagery on each card that helps to convey its meaning, while the Tarot de Marseille relies more heavily on the intuition and interpretation of the reader. Ultimately, both decks can be powerful tools for introspection and divination, and the choice between them may come down to personal preference and the individual needs of the reader or seeker.

One of my favorite books on the Tarot de Marseille is The Way of Tarot by filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky and Marianne Costa.

The Tarot de Marseille has a long and fascinating history, with roots that can be traced back to ancient Egypt and the Kabbalah. The deck has evolved over time, with many different versions and interpretations now available, but its enduring popularity testifies to its power as a tool for spiritual exploration and personal growth.

It's important to note that before incorporating any cannabis into your rituals, it's essential to research and understand the potential risks and benefits and to consume responsibly. Additionally, it's essential to ensure that your use of cannabis complies with all local laws and regulations.

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